不过麻将中有若干个专业术语大家要先了解一下,比如麻将里的“一张牌”叫做tile,“抓牌”叫draw,“出牌”叫discard,“和了”就是have alegal winning hand/complete a legalhand。更多的术语,比如“碰”“吃”都怎么讲,大家可以在维基百科上找到答案哦!下面就给大家一个参考素材,里面并不需要详细的介绍该游戏的玩法,毕竟我们是去考试的嘛,挑自己会说的说就OK了!
I’d like to talk about Mahjong which is a widely played i美式英语音标320ndoor game thatoriginated in China, and it’s famous among basically every age group. It’sfascinating because it’s a game of skill, strategy, and calculation, andinvolves a degree of chance. And the rules might vary significantly in different托福考试多长时间areas, but I’m only familiar with the local rules in my hometown, so that’s whatI’m gonna talk to you about.
When I was little, I played Mahjong pretty much and I did really well.Before I went to primary school, my sister and I lived with our grandparents.And my grandpa’s crazy about playing the game. He even taught me how to play it,and I jus英语好培训机构t found it truly appealing. But now I’m kind of tied up with mystudies, so I haven’t played the game for ages. Anyway, this is how we play it:four players sit around a square table, and we need a set of 144 tiles based onChinese characters and symbols. The four players get 13 tiles each at first, andthen draw and discard tiles till anyone of them who forms 4 groups and a pairwith 14 tiles. We call that a legal hand. The player who first completes thelegal hand becomes the winner. It sounds simple, but can be very hard when youplay. On top of that, it’s just a simple description of the game, and actuallyit involves quite a few terms that are so complicated to explain. Of co
urse,just like what I mentioned earlier, the game sometimes seems to be a test ofyour luck, even if you are very skillful.
I was so into game when I was little. It was our favorite pastime. Mysister, my grandparents and I always played together on weekends. Now I think ofthis, I really miss the good old times, you know, the carefree childhood andall.
希望我们的国粹能给大家的口语加点儿分数哦!当然,对于大多数的孩子来说,可能在童年时代玩儿的更多的室内游戏是video games或者是playhouse(过家家),或者是各种棋盘游戏,如果大家对其中的一项情有独钟并且完全不缺乏语料,那么就请激情澎湃的跟考官大人们畅谈一下你的美好童年吧!