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Some people prefer to praise the good things children have done; some people prefer to punish the bad things kids have done, which choice do you think is more appropriate and why? Give your explanations in your response.


Sample response:


In my view, I think compliment is the best choice.

Compliment will make children feel motivated and they might be more likely to repeat the good things they have done. After listening the praise from parents, seeing the smiles from teachers, getting the recognition from others, children will feel a sense of achievement and happiness, they will know their deeds are beneficial to others and next time they will also do good things to others, such as picking up the rubbish on the road or respecting the elderly and so on. However, if always getting punishment or criticism from others, children might become timid and diffident, which is harmful to their growth.


Compliment 称赞(praise同义词)

recognition 认可


feel a sense of … 感到,后接n.

beneficial 有益的

criticism 批评

timid 胆小的;羞怯的

diffident 缺乏自信的;

作者介绍:郝新宇托福口语高频话题解析:教育孩子的方式,新东方教育科技集团优秀教师,西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学经济学硕士,英语专业八级 托福115分,多次担任瑞典大使馆, 丹麦大使馆, 英国大使馆等使馆商会活动翻译。

关于作者: admin
