你好呀,我是来自加拿大的雅思外教Mac。今天分享一个常见的雅思口语话题2分钟英语口语素材:雅思口语高分素材 | 公共交通话题 (附音频),并附上高分素材。
– Part 1: Public Transportation –
Do people usually use public transportation in your country?
Example answer:
Hmmm, well, in China, because there are so many people, I think many people usually do a lot of things, but generally speaking, sure, millions of people in all Chinese cities use public transport, and during rush hour, the buses and subways are packed.
What kind of public transport do people in your country use the most?
Example answer:
Like I said, millions of people use both buses and subway. If a city in China has a subway system, you can guarantee that if a person doesn't have a car and lives near a subway station, they will take the subway. It’s cheap, convenient, clean, and safe, so it's a hassle-free way of commuting to work and into the city.
What do you want to change about the public transport?
Example answer:
Honestly, I can’t think of anything I would change, except for perhaps the subway running later at night as many lines close around 11 pm, but I don't go out late at night anyway, so that doesn't affect me.
Will you ride public transportation in the future?
Example answer:
Sure, I don't have a car, and even if I did, I wouldn't want to drive into the city. The subway is super-convenient.
Part 1: Phrases and colloquialisms