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新人教版PEP 4 Unit 1 My School拓展课 School rul

新人教版PEP 4 Unit 1 My School拓展课 School rules


Teaching Contents(教学内容):

Unit 1 My School拓展课 school rules

Teaching Instructions(设计思路)



Teaching aims and demands(目标与要求):




Key and difficult points(教学重难点):

KP(重点): The rules

DP(难点): The description

Teaching Methods(教学方法):

Compatiting & Concluding Teaching Method

Teaching preparations(课前准备):


Teaching steps(教学步骤):

1. Preparation(课前准备,热身活动)——“五环递进”之“问题引入”:

①Free talk to lead-in:

T: What can you do in school?

Ss: I can sing/draw/….


②Let’s sing and chant

T: Good, you can sing and chant at school, too.

And now let’s sing and chant together.

You and I, you and I. You can draw and I can write.

He and she, he and she. He and dance and she can read.

We and you, we can you. We can skate and you can paint.

It and they, it and they. It can talk and they can play.



③Listen and do

T gives some orders; the students do the gestures and repeat the words: run/talk/eat/drink/sleep/….

T: I can run.

Ss: Run, run, run.(边说边做相应动作)


2. Presentation(新课呈现)——“五环递进”之“建立模型”:


You can do a lot in school. I think that's why you like our school so much, right? And now, our principle has good news for us.

(You must test the students about the school rules. If they pass the test, I will award their class a five-star class)


②Task One(一星任务——认读英语)

Learn some pictures about the rules: clean the windows every week/…

T: What do they do?

Ss: Clean the windows/ play sports/ learn English….

A. T guides the students to say the rules together.


B. Pair work: Encourage the students to practice in pairs first then make a report.


C. 判断 Can or can't?


We can clean the windows every week.

We can sleep in class.


3. Practice(趣味操练)——“五环递进”之“求解探索”:

①Task Two(二星任务——说英语)

Look at the pictures and tell the rules:


A. This is the playground. You can run here.

This is the classroom. You can't litter.

B. Group Work

Encourage the students to discuss in groups.



②Task Three(三星任务——听、写英语)

Listen to the teacher and fill in the blanks; finish the sentences about the school rules.

A. We can in the school library quietly.

B. We can't on the hallway.


③Task Four(四星任务——说英语)

Find out rules( Group work first; then encourage the students try to say some sentences)


4. Production(知识产出) ——“五环递进”之“回归运用”: Task Five (五星任务——总结、书写规则)

①Try to discuss and write

Classroom: We can …./ We can't ….

Playroom: We can …./ We can't ….



②Be a reporter

Encourage some students to make a report.


5. Progress(课堂参考练习)——“五环递进”之“巩固训练”:

As student of a five-star class, you should behave well and you have to tell the others what they can do and what they can't do. For example:

Hi, Linda. You can run on the playground. But you can't on the hallway….


Blackboard Design(板书设计):


1. Finish the exercises.

2. Draw some signs for your school.


Teacher’s Notes(教学反思):

本节课是配合学校近段时间的卫生、安全、礼仪教育而设计的拓展课,能做到“源于生活,用于生活”,且以“五星班级”为主线而设计的五星任务(认、读、听、说、写)贯穿始末新人教版PEP 4 Unit 1 My School拓展课 School rul,采用TPR、同桌合作、小组活动等多种形式组织课堂,学生的参与热情浓,积极性高。


关于作者: admin
