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托福写作范文 社会规则是不是太严肃



2012年10月12日北美托福独立写作标题为:The rules that the whole societies today expect toyoung people to follow and obey are toostrict.(这个社会需求年青人恪守的规则太严肃吗?)关于这样的托福写作标题考生该如何撰写文章呢?

2012.10.12NA The rules that the whole societies today expect to youngpeople to follow and obey are too strict.

When it comes to various rules that young people have to follow, somepeople claim that those rules are too stringent[A1] , therefore stiflingindividuality[A2] . But others argue that rules are vital[A3] for theyoungsters[A4] , and I am one of them.

In the family, young people must follow some rules made by parents. Forexample, many children are required to go back home immediately after school.Despite[A5] the strictness of the rule, it is not unnecessary considering thefact that children may encounter[A6] various unexpected dangers wandering in thestreet. Besides, I heard some of my friend complain that their parents ask themto save money. This complaint is even more unreasonable because all toooften[A7] young people are impulsive buyers[A8] and family rules about s
托福写作范文 社会规则是不是太严肃插图
avingmoney cannot be ignored[A9] . Family rules do not end up here. Probably some ofus are asked to respect the old and cherish the young.[A10] This rule is also ofvital importance for a harmonious[A11] family.

Schools and companies are also places where rules are miscellaneous[A12] .Take my school rules as an example. The first rule, and probably the mostcontroversial rule, is that students must wear school uniforms. Some studentshate this rule, for they believe the rule stifles their individuality.Nevertheless, there are good reasons for the rule: students in our school comingfrom different family backgrounds, which means we have students who arewell-off[A13] and students who have to rely on school loans[A14] to finishschooling. Under this circumstance, it is not unreasonable that students areforced to wear school uniform. The abolition [A15] of the rule will lead tocomparison among students, which may cause declining test scores [A16] anddegradation of morality[A17] .

Last but not least, there are laws that young people have to obey for thesake of [A18] their well-being[A19] . Laws about legal drinking age areadvantageous to young adults’ physical health. It is a common knowledge thatdrinking at an early age is detrimental: it may cause mental incapacity andexcessive reliance on alcohol. Worse, some crimes are triggered[A20] by drinkingexcessively, for drunken people always lack rational thinking and are easilyirritated.

From the above discussion I firmly believe that rules, no matter in family,schools or society, are necessary and should be obeyed by young people. Onlyrule-abiding[A21] citizens are capable of living a secure and prosperouslife.

关于作者: admin
