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托福独立口语入门段真题练习 Describe a present you have given…


Describe a present you have given to someone. Explain why you think it was a good present.



The gift I recently gave to my younger sister is the one I would like to talk about. I gave her a smartphone, which is a big deal for many reasons.

First, I felt an inexplicable pleasure when I saw her bewildered face as she opened the gift. She had been longing to own a smartphone for months. After receiving it from me, she hugged me. She was so happy, but not just because she loved the gift. She was proud of me for knowing what she wanted most.

Second, the cell phone was expensive and I had to save up for the last 7 months to gift her it. I already knew that a smartphone is what she wanted and she would not buy it for hers
托福独立口语入门段真题练习 Describe a present you have given…插图
elf. So, every time I thought about the moment she would open it, I felt excited.



第二,手机还挺贵的,为了买它我不得不存了 7 个月的钱。我晓得她需要智能手机,但她自个买不了。所以每次当我想到她收到这个礼物,我感到很振奋。


1. Outline

给了我小妹手机 R1: I love her face when she received the phone 小妹收到礼物的表情展示了她的激动 R2: the phone is too expensive, its a gift that she would not buy herself 手机很贵她不会自个买的

2. Vocabulary

bewildered 使人利诱的 ; 令人发生紊乱的 这儿指当收到礼物是惊奇开心利诱的混合凌乱表情

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关于作者: admin
