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?? When consumers are buying a product, most of the time they’re not buying just the product itself, they’re also buying the container the product comes in. So the design of the container is very important. It can be the deciding factor when consumers are trying to decide which brand of the product to buy. ?? So, let’s talk about a couple of ways product containers can be designed to appeal to consumers. ?? One important design goal is to make the container as user-friendly as possible, as convenient to use as possible. ?? Take, for example, when companies started using plastic containers for condiments such as ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. In the past, these products came in glass containers with lids you had to screw off. And then you had to either pour the ketchup or mustard on your food which could be messy or scoop it out with spoon.

But flexible plastic containers were much more convenient to use and so they were more attractive to consumers. You just held the container over your food, gave it a little squeeze and out came the ketchup or mustard, uh, much faster and easier than having to remove a lid first.

?? Another important design goal is to give the container a pleasing appearance so that consumers will feel comfortable displaying it in their homes. ?? Take, for example, a company that sells cookies. Instead of selling their cookies in a plain cardboard box, they might sell them in a nice metal box. And they might decorate that nice metal box with beautiful pictures of some kind. That way when consumers present the cookies to guests, for example, they look nice, they look classic. Attractive containers like that can make a product much more appealing to consumers.


1 Topic :


2 Points:


2 Examples:





1 Topic:

??中最初,教授指出讲座的主题是关于花费者收购产品大大都情况下不是为了收购产品本身而是承装产品的容器。并偏重容器的方案是恰当重要的,可所以一个抉择性要素。??中从要害词ways product containers can be designed揣度出,该讲座主题归于办法一类。因而可以揣度,教授会具体阐明产品的容器用哪些办法来方案可以招引花费者。

2 Points:

??中以One important design goal …的句型指出第一种办法是user-friendly,即人道化。??中以Another important ….的句型引出第二种办法是经过pleasing appearance来完成, 即外形秀丽。

2 Examples:

??中教授用Take, for example引出plastic containers for condiments的比方阐明第一种方案办法如何被运用。教授用In the past比照指出曩昔的调味品容器都是用需要拧开盖子的玻璃罐制造的。接着用But引呈如今的塑料容器对花费者来说更有招引力且更便利。

??顶用Take, for example引出pleasing appearance的比方是sells cookies,接着阐明晰第二种办法如何被运用。公司用秀丽的金属盒子替代一般纸盒来出售饼干,金属盒子上有秀丽的图像,花费者看起来觉得极好很经典。



1 Topic:

x buy produ → container

design ways

2 Points:

user-friend conven

pleas appeara

2 Examples:

glass lid scew off

plastic attract


cookie cardbox x

metalbox √



In the lecture, the professor talks about _____??_____ in several points/aspects.

The first point he/she raises is_______??_______.

For example, _______??_______.

The second point he/she mentions is _______??_______.

For example, _______??_______.



??和??中,考生应归纳出教授论说讲座主题(程序、办法、理论、观念或表象)的两个重要方面。一般在以下提示句型之后,会呈现重要句型,即some …. others…; one … another …; on one hand … on the other hand等。因而,考生紧记在呈现提示句后,记下要害词作为复述要点。



逻辑次序:熟记Task 6中的1+2+2规划。先总结中心句,然后分为几个层次讲,理清每个层次的首要支撑细节是啥。

Task 6因为触及的是学术类论题,考生必不可以少地会听到学术语汇。因而,考生应在平常加强速记操练,遇到偏僻不理解的词汇选择用合适自个的速记方法记载下来。真实不理解的单词,经过仿照单词的发音复述即可。


The professor talks about two ways to make a product’s container look better. The first way is to make it as user-friendly as possible. For example, the container of condiments was made of glass. Whe
n people use it, they have to screw off the lid and pour out the condiment, which will make food look messy. But now it is made of plastic. People just have to squeeze it to get the condiment out. The second way is to give the container pleasing appearance. In this way, customers will feel comfortable displaying them. For example, cookies were contained in a plain cardboard box. But now they are contained in metal box decorated with beautiful pictures. Now that the container looks better, people are more willing to buy the products.


关于作者: admin
