a piece of bread
英语“一个面包”和“一片面包”怎么说? –
[答案] a loaf of bread a slice of bread
请问一片面包用英语怎么讲不是a piece of bread 听我老师说,要用另一个词代替piece –
[答案] a slice/piece of bread
一片面包用英语怎么说啊 –
[答案] 因为面包是不可数名词一片面包英语,所以不能直接和冠词连接,正确的说法是:a piece of bread.
一条面包;一片面包怎么用英语? –
[答案] 一条面包; a loaf of bread 一片面包 a piece of bread 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟一片面包英语,请及时采纳一片面包英语,多谢!
白痴英语问题说一片面包有a piece of bread 和 a slice of bread,两者意思一样,那么piece 和slice有啥区别啊? –
[答案] a piece of bread一块面包 a slice of bread(薄薄的)一片面包. 表示“一块”/一片面包”的同义词组有以下: a chunk of bread (厚厚的)一块面包/a piece of bread一块面包/a bit of bread一小块面包/a morsel of bread小小一块面包/a slice of bread(…
一条面包;一片面包怎么用英语? –
一条面包; a loaf of bread 一片面包 a piece of bread 祝你学习进步一片面包的英文,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
根据中文翻译,在括号里写出相应的英文. 1.一片面包( ) 2.三片 –
1,a bread2,three bread3,some bread4,a piece of meat5,three pieces of meat6,some meat7,six potatoes8,a potato9,some potatoes10,a bowl of soup11,three bowls of soup12,some soup13,some vegetables14,a tomato15,three tomatoes16,some …
一条面包用英语怎么说? –
a loaf of bread 一条面包 a piece of bread/toast一片面包/土司
请给我一片面包的英语 –
[答案] Please give me a piece of bread./Please give a piece of bread to me.