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托福独立口语高频论题讲师批改实例共享 chance to travel to…



If you had the chance to travel to outer space, will you go or not? Give your specific reasons.


If I have a chance, I definietly will go to outer space. Because going to outer space has been one of my most primary goal of my life. Since I was a child, I would like to go to outer space. I have a dream to go to outer space. Besides, when I go to the outer space, I can see the views I can never see in the earth. For example, the burning sun, the siren moon, and shining sirius star. Finally, if I can go to the outer space. I definitely can find the true meaning of our life. Because the human are so small, to thsoe giant star. We have to do what we have to do. to burn ourselves, to devote ourselves to what we like, can we own a sucessful life.


发音有些需留心的几个词 ( Pronunciation )

1 space


语法方面呈现的差错 ( Grammar )

1 have a chance —— had the chance

2 in the earth —— on the earth

3 since I was child, I would like —— since childhood, I have wanted

4 the outer space —— outer space

表达有些存在的疑问 ( Expression )

1 definietly will go —— will definitely go

2 most primary —— the primary

3 for example —— such as

4 so small to —— so small, compared to


If I had the chance, I will definitely go to outer space, because it has been my primary goal in my life. Since childhood, I have wanted to go to outer space. If I go to outer space, I can see the views that I could never see on earth, such as the burning sun, the sirens moon, and the shinning sirius star. Finally, if I go to outer space, I can definitely find the true meaning of life. Because humans are so small, compared to thsoe giant starts. We do what we have to do, and burn and devote ourselves so we can lead a successful life. ( Finally, if I go to the space, I can definitely find t
托福独立口语高频论题讲师批改实例共享 chance to travel to…插图
he true meaning of life. Humans are so small, compared to those giant stars. So the problems that I think of day to day would just disappear. I would be able to think about what is really important, and what exactly I’m doing with my life and discover meaning in that way. )


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