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场景:学术场景(course feedback课程反应,教师带2学生谈论)




21. B

定位词presentation, 录音中quite professional对应选项B中的style good。

22. C

录音中didn’t worry about their presentation style or keeping eye contact withtheir audience对应选项C didn’t look at the audience

23. B

录音中的approach your presentation与题干 gave her presentation同义替换,之后听到 didn’tfeel any real sense of satisfaction对应选项B中的dissatisfied。

24. A

用performance定位,录音中not so pleased with my actual performance与选项A not veryhappy 对应。

25. C

录音中they are very familiar with each other对应选项C know each other well。

26. B

录音中trying to speak up more and I just jump in谈到可以说更多并参加谈论,与选项B making moreof a contribution对应。

27. A

录音说到I had to turn to the books and journals。其间turn to对应选项A中的consulted, thebooks and journals对应reference materials。

28. B

男学生说到My reading speed is still quite slow,though much better at dealingwith vocabulary than I used to be. 可以打扫A、B选项,C选项是关于vocabulary与原文纷歧致,所以选B。

29. C

根据录音打扫environment, health, education,后边说到 engineering 是my ownfield,可以断定答案。

30. B

原文felt much better working on reading from my own field对应选项B read more intheir own subject areas.

关于作者: admin
